The All-Inclusive, Over-the-Top, Strap-It-Down-With-a-Bungee-Cord Car Camping Checklist
For the Happy Camper Who Wants Everything

Three bears at retro station wagon

Some campers are content to throw a pair of swim trunks into the backseat, strap a kayak to the roof-rack and declare themselves ready to go. I prefer to bring at least a tube of sunscreen, a bag of M&Ms, and the kayak paddles. Others find hauling their provi­sions in a pack on hunched shoulders more satisfying. I, on the other hand, prepare for all possible comforts when heading, in an overloaded station wagon, to a mountain campsite. Leave no bungee cord unstretched, no crevice unstuffed, no beach ball behind—hence, the all-purpose car camping checklist. I’ve scratched it onto note paper dozens of times, checked each item off as it was loaded and then used it to start the fire. May this one serve you well as the clouds roll in, the insects descend, and the marshmallows roast. Happy camping!
Colleen Kiefer
©Kiefer Creative 2015. All rights reserved.

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For some helpful information about kayaks, check out:

Transporting a Kayak By Car (Or By Hand)

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